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Company Profile PT. Kinarya
kompegriti rekanusa

PT. Kinarya Kompegriti Rekanusa is an engineering consulting services company that covers :
  • Engineering consulting work for Civil Structural, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing planners.
  • Structure Audit and Energy Audit Work
  • Building Certificate of Functioning (SLF) Licensing Work
  • Licensing Work Supporting Documents for SLF (KRK, PBG, SLO, RKK Damkar, Environmental Documents, etc.)

We are committed to getting the best results the right way, carrying out and executing tasks with full responsibility that emphasizes excellence in the application of innovative technology and being able to adapt to new opportunities for profitable growth.

Professional, optimistic, thorough and solutive services are our dedication to customer satisfaction, as well as good work values and a healthy working environment, influencing us to provide satisfactory services.

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we are here as a leading multinational technical consulting services provider.

We dedicate all the best works and solutions we have, supported by experienced and certified human resources in their fields, as well as complete calibrated equipment to provide a commitment of support to our partners in the vision of achieving progress & success together.

Rekanusa services

It is certainly an honor for us to provide the best service to contribute to boosting your business with the various services we provide.

Our Portfolio

we are ready to support you in various regions of indonesia to foreign countries

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artikel rekanusa

Jasa Pengurusan Sertifikat Laik Fungsi (SLF): Pentingnya Legalitas Bangunan Anda Jasa Sertifikat Laik Fungsi (SLF) mengonfirmasi bahwa suatu bangunan memenuhi semua persyaratan teknis yang ditetapkan, sehingga bangunan tersebut kini siap untuk digunakan. Proses pengurusan SLF menjadi tahap akhir dalam pembangunan. Setelah pemilik mendapatkan sertifikat ini, mereka dapat menggunakan bangunan secara resmi. Oleh karena itu, memiliki […]


Gedung KSP SMS Cibubur

Kami Telkom AMC Puas dengan timeline yang Rekanusa selesaikan, serta puas dengan kualitas produk dan jasa yang rekanusa berikan.

-ibu wieke
Manager Asset Insurance & Protection - PT Telkom Indonesia
PT. Telkom Indonesia

Kami Telkom AMC Puas dengan timeline yang Rekanusa selesaikan, serta puas dengan kualitas produk dan jasa yang rekanusa berikan.

-ibu wieke
Manager Asset Insurance & Protection - PT Telkom Indonesia
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Mamuju

Kami Telkom AMC Puas dengan timeline yang Rekanusa selesaikan, serta puas dengan kualitas produk dan jasa yang rekanusa berikan.

-ibu wieke
Manager Asset Insurance & Protection - PT Telkom Indonesia